Saturday, August 17, 2013

Things White People Shouldn't Do

The Silent Clown

by Sylvia Abraham

See the Clown
Not saying a word.
Not needed to be heard.
Why do they look so sad,
As if they want to cry?
Are they lonely inside?
I wonder, wonder why.
Do Clowns ever sigh, out loud?
Or are their sighs
Lost in the Crowd
Of people, who come to laugh
At the mime.
Would a Clown speak
Given time?
Would it break the magic spell,
The art
Of being a Clown
If but one word from his lips did depart.
Is there a happy Clown
Who will smile
And make me feel glad
For a while, to know
Not all of the Clowns are sad?

Friday, August 16, 2013


by Thomas “Tom Fun” Morgan (Clown)

Lonely – what is lonely?
It’s only – yes, it’s only
A selfish, selfish feeling
That happens – yes, it happens
When you’re reeling. You’re reeling
From a sense of great desertion
When there’s no outside coercion
To take a part in Life.
You haven’t got a husband
You haven’t got a wife
There’s no help to bear the burden
Of this world’s daily strife.
You sit alone and read alone
Every evening – well, most evenings.
And you wonder – yes you wander
Why you’re on the verge of tears
For your mind is full of fears
Of what may come tomorrow
And all you feel is sorrow
For the hopes you had of living
A full and happy life
With a husband or a wife.
When next you feel like crying
Let the tears flow – don’t be trying
To hold them back inside.
Let them flow – mouth open wide
Have a bawl – ease the pressure
Let Life see you’ve got it’s measure.
You can cope with work and leisure
As it comes along your way
Each and every single day.
Then, when you feel you’re in control
Climb back out from you’re self-made hole.
Climb back up to that first promise
Of Love and Life and Light.
Be aware of the seen and seeing
Give thanks to God that you have the might
To cope with all that happens – just by “being”

Thursday, August 15, 2013

A Clown’s Blessing

A Clown’s Blessing
Author Unknown

May your noses be red and shiny,
And your smile always bright.
May your cheeks be nice and rosy,
Your eyes sparkle in the light.
May your shoes be always too big,
Your costume be perma-pressed,
Your heart overflow with laughter,
Every time your clown is dressed.
May face paint be at the ready,
And your balloons be “easy-blow”.
May children run to greet you,
Wherever you may go.